Why vote for John Kelly?
100% Independent - no party affiliation and no cash donations.
The whole principle of the Legislative Council being established is that it would be an independent house of review. If party politics is to dominate, this Chamber will become an irrelevant, expensive, and time-consuming impediment on our democratic system. John has never had any party affiliation and is a true, 100% independent representative for Hobart.
Current Hobart City Councillor - John knows the issues and is a strong representative. He was elected with the largest vote ever recorded for a new candidate. Since then, he has represented Hobart community members across many issues, is Chair of Creative City Portfolio and the Council's representative on the Wellington Park Management Trust and the Maritime Museum of Tasmania. John is also an active member of the Hobart City Council Planning Committee.
Brings a focus on the protection of our precious forests, fisheries, fresh water, along with reining in the State's debt, unblocking the traffic gridlock, housing and health.
Values our beautiful landscapes and is Hobart Council's member on the Wellington Park Management Trust.
Understands small business and advocates for their success, including through the North Hobart Traders Association. John brings 35 years self-employed experience and knows what it takes to be in business and navigate the complexities.
Dedicates himself to important community projects, including through the Heritage Trams Restoration and Museum Society.
Proven track record for restoring and protecting our precious heritage, including bringing to life impressive artworks such as Footsteps Towards Freedom (female convict bronze statues on Hobart's waterfront).
Dedicated to service, including 12 years as an Australian Army Reservist.
Maritime Museum of Tasmania committee member.
Former surf life saver and Australian Rules footballer (180 games life member with St Virgil's Football Club).
Passionate supporter of various charities.
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